Proposition Summary

Legislative Constitutional Amendment. Authorizes Legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation facilities which remove, eliminate, reduce or control air, water or noise pollution to or in excess of standards required by state or local requirements and to provide state subventions to local governments for revenues lost by reason of such exemptions. Financial impact: None in absence of implementing legislation.

Proposition Number




Document Type




Popular Vote Results

Y: 2074255; A: 27.1; N: 5571995; B: 72.9

Election Type

General Election

Proposition Type

Senate Constitutional Amendment

For Author

Walter W. Stiern, State Senator, 18th District; William E. Coombs, State Senator, 20th District; John T. Knox, Assemblyman, 11th District

Against Author

John F. Dunlap, Assemblyman, 5th District; Charles Warren, Assemblyman, 56th District; John L. Burton, Assemblyman, 20th District

Rebuttal Author

John F. Dunlap, Assemblyman, 5th District; Charles Warren, Assemblyman, 56th District; John L. Burton, Assemblyman, 20th District

Rebuttal Against Author

Walter W. Stiern, State Senator, 18th District
