Proposition Summary

PROPERTY TAXES. SCHOOLS. MAJORITY VOTE. DEVELOPMENT-FEE LIMITS. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. • Authorizes ad valorem tax or special assessments on real property to exceed 1% limit to repay bonds approved by majority vote (rather than current two-thirds) in school districts, community college districts and counties, to construct, reconstruct, or rehabilitate schools. • Authorizes majority approval (rather than current two-thirds) for general obligation bonds of school districts, community college districts and counties, to construct, reconstruct, or rehabilitate schools, including purchasing land, furnishings and equipment. • Limits local authority to levy school-facilities fees on housing and commercial developments, even if statewide school-facilities bond proposition fails. Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact: • Probable annual savings to the state General Fund of several hundred million dollars, in future years, as a result of fewer statewide bond measures for school facilities. • Probable increased costs of a similar amount for local K-12 schools and community colleges to pay for school facilities that otherwise would have been paid for by the state. These additional costs would vary by individual district.

Proposition Number




Document Type




Legislative Vote Results

Final Votes Cast by the Legislature on ACA 6 (Proposition 170) Assembly-Ayes 54; Noes, 24 -- Senate-Ayes, 30; Noes, 7

Popular Vote Results

Y: 1512163; A: 30.6; N: 3421342; B: 69.3

Election Type

Special Election

Proposition Type

Assembly Constitutional Amendment

For Author

Pat Dingsdale, President, California State PTA; Howard Owens, Director, Congress of California Seniors; Kirk West, President, California Chamber of Commerce

Against Author

Joel Fox, President, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association; Ross Johnson, Member of the California State Assembly; Richard H. Close, President, Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association

Rebuttal Author

Joel Fox, President, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association; Ross Johnson, Member of the California State Assembly; Richard H. Close, President, Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association

Rebuttal Against Author

Marlys Robertson, President, League of Women Voters of California; Jack Henning, Executive Secretary, California Labor Federation/AFL-CIO; Skip Murphy, President, Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC)
