
UC Law SF Communications and Entertainment Journal


The Telecommunications Act of 1996 has created substantial upheaval across the telecommunications landscape. On one hand, the 1996 Act created broad deregulatory and market entry opportunities for new market players; on the other hand, those implementing the Act have presumed that incumbent carriers will cooperate with new market entrants thereby accelerating the loss of market share, but gaining new market entry opportunities once competition begins to flourish. This Article analyzes the Various different factions that are likely to benefit from the Act, as well as those that are likely to suffer losses from telecommunications deregulation. The author concludes that the big future winners will be those who have exploited market entry opportunities or who successfully mitigate the financial consequences of market entry and heightened competition. The author also concludes that the future losers will be those enterprises that have exploited legal and regulatory barriers to competition, and have not adequately responded to changed circumstances and the prospects for new facilities-based and resale competition.
