UC Law Constitutional Quarterly
The goal of UC Law Constitutional Quarterly (formerly Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly) is to be a nationwide leader in the publication of legal scholarship on contemporary constitutional issues. Publishing for four issues annually and hosting several events and symposia, UCLCQ endeavors to engage a variety of thought leaders and a wide audience in the exploration of some of today’s most pressing legal debates.
Current Issue: Volume 52, Number 1 (2024)
Prefatory Matter
Editor-in-Chief’s Foreword
Megan Stupi
Advancing Academic Freedom Through State Constitutional Protections
Karlie M. Bischoff
The Ninth Circuit’s RFRA Standard of “Substantial Burden” as Applied to Native American Sacred Sites
Erik Renner
The Unbearable Inevitability of Content Regulation
Jerome O’callaghan
Executive Power and Patronage: Lessons from Puerto Rico
Stephen A. Plass and Naomy M. Rivera